Information you can give the doctor

A doctor can help identify the underlying cause of incontinence for treatment. A doctor can help write up a treatment plan to help cure or manage this condition. Bring notes to the appointment to help the doctor identify the underlying cause. Here are some things you may want to take note of:

  • how long the person has been experiencing incontinence symptoms
  • if the person has had episodes of incontinence in the past
  • whether they’re experiencing urinary incontinencefecal incontinence, or both
  • whether it’s a trickle or a flood
  • if incontinence is more pronounced at certain times of the day or night
  • physical or mental barriers you’ve observed
  • typical diet and how much fluid is consumed

You can also reach out to other health professionals for support. A nurse can provide advice on hygiene and management. A physical therapist can tell you more about equipment and adaptions. Talk to the doctor for recommendations.

The outlook for this condition

Caregiving is both rewarding and challenging. Many people find managing incontinence one of the more difficult aspects of care. But it’s important to know that you can help someone manage this condition. Techniques like prompted voiding can help reduce or even eliminate incontinence in people with dementia. It may even be cured if it’s caused by an underlying health condition.

As a caregiver, it’s also important to get counsel from the healthcare team and support from family and friends. Share with others what’s going on in your life and get connected with other caregivers. They may be able to share their experience and provide solutions to similar situations. Online resources for caregiving include Family Caregiver Alliance and Alzheimer’s Foundation of America.